Sedation Dentistry for Controlling Dental Pain
Jan 01, 2020
Sedation dentistry is well known to help cope with dental anxiety. Patients, and especially children, who suffer from dental phobias and anxiety have been settled with different types of sedatives to allow for dental work operations. When it comes to dentistry, however, the real trigger for anxiety is feelings of pain. Patients associate most dental works with a painful experience, which builds in them a fear of repeating the experience.
In the decades passed, pain has been a big part of any medical intervention. However, modern dentistry has allowed for different ways of getting things done, all while alleviating the pain levels that come with the treatments.
How Sedation Dentistry Can Ease Your Pain?
Sedation dentistry in Encinitas has largely been practiced for dental anxiety. However, today, it offers more to patients when it comes to easing pain. Sedation works differently to ease pain and relieve tension, as is shown below:
- A feeling of relaxation – some type of sedation puts the body in relaxation. This is especially so nitrous oxide Sedation it is commonly known as laughing gas because it triggers laughter and feelings of pleasure. When an Encinitas dentist lets you inhale the gas, the pain that is associated with dental works will not be experienced. Instead, you will be feeling relaxed and happy throughout the procedure. The best part is that the effects of this gas wear off quickly after the procedure. You can even get back to driving right after your treatment.
- Numbing effects – local anesthesia is also used in sedation dentistry. The injection is done on the affected area to numb it. This way, all through the procedure, that part of your mouth will be numb to any pain. This will allow you to sit still through the process for an easy time.
- Topical anesthetics – alongside local anesthesia, topical anesthetics are used in sedation dentistry. This features a swab that is applied to the target area. It also works to numb the mouth area where the dental works are to be done. Usually, topical anesthetics are used before the injection of the local anesthesia.
- Intravenous Sedation – it is commonly known as IV sedation. The sedative drug is injected directly into the veins of a patient at controlled levels, depending on the underlying needs. IV sedation is useful for both dental anxiety and pain alleviation. You may be awake throughout the procedure, but your body will be relaxed, and the process will be painless.
- Oral Sedation – the use of pills like Halcion in sedation dentistry is resourceful in reducing anxiety and alleviating pain. The sedative drug works with the central nervous system that controls feelings of sensitivity and pain in the body. The drug, however, takes up to 30 minutes of an hour before the effects can be felt.
- General anesthesia – this is the highest level of Sedation. A dentist will only use this type of sedation if the patient really needs it, or when the dental works ahead take a long time to perform. It is commonly used for surgical procedures. The sedation affects the body by luring it into a deep sleep. While asleep, you will not feel any pain as the dental experts are working on you. The effects of the medication are very high. Unless the medication wears off, it is very difficult to awaken the patient. As such, the medical experts offer a drug to counter the effects of the sedative. This type of Sedation requires keenness and expertise to offer because of the risks involved.
- Laser drills – sedative dentistry works closely with laser technology. The introduction of laser technology in medicine is to increase the effectiveness of treatments and surgical procedures while reducing damaged caused in surrounding tissues. In Sedation Dentistry, a dentist will use laser drills alongside the sedatives mentioned earlier. The lasers cause less pain and are much focused on the affected area rather than the surrounding parts.
- There are many ways to alleviate pain and decrease dental anxiety in dentistry. Usually, the trick works by tricking the mind and body. The main techniques used in sedation dentistry are:
- Distraction strategies – getting the mind to focus on different things other than the treatment process.
- Relaxation – when the mind and body are fully relaxed, pain and anxiety cannot be experienced.
- Hypnosis-tricking the mind to believe in a certain reality that is painless and comfortable.
- Deep breathing – to increase the supply of oxygen and blood in all parts of the body to ease fear and discomfort.