Is your smile the only casualty of missing teeth? Don’t you think tooth loss also impacts your oral health besides your overall health? If you haven’t considered the adverse effects of tooth loss, we recommend you do so immediately and start searching for a suitable replacement option for your missing teeth to avoid the consequences of tooth loss.
When you consider replacing missing teeth, you will notice three options: dentures, bridges, and dental implants offered by the cosmetic dentist near you to close the gaps between your teeth. However, while bridges and dentures effectively provide the lost aesthetic benefits, they do not support your oral or overall health. Therefore if you want a permanent replacement for the missing teeth, you must favor dental implants, considered the gold standard to achieve your goal.
Whether you miss a single tooth or several, you become vulnerable to the consequences of lost teeth that will soon impact you. This is because the edentulous sockets in your mouth become entrapment sites for food particles. As a result, your mouth bacteria will relish feasting on them and deposit acids all over your mouth, making you vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease.
Tooth loss, whether one or several, will make your remaining teeth drift toward the empty void to create a misalignment in your mouth, making it challenging for you to clean your teeth, encouraging infections like gum disease, and making you need orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth because you have not chosen a replacement option for the missing teeth.
Without all your teeth in your mouth, you confront challenges eating foods by biting and chewing them, compelling you to swallow larger chunks to cause indigestion problems needing treatments from different medical professionals.
If you wish to overcome all the challenges listed, the dentist in Encinitas, CA, offers a straightforward solution to get dental implants to replace missing teeth, which must be considered seriously because it helps avoid many complications.
When you receive dental implants to replace your missing teeth, the implanted teeth remain invulnerable to tooth decay because titanium posts a biocompatible metal representing a dental implant embedded deep into your jawbone. In addition, the artificial tooth mounted atop the dental implant is fabricated from dental-grade porcelain that does not attract tooth decay. However, your remaining teeth remain vulnerable to your mouth bacteria and can attract tooth decay if you do not care for them appropriately. Therefore even after receiving dental implant tooth replacements must continue maintaining excellent dental hygiene, brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing them once, and getting six-monthly dental checkups and cleanings without exceptions.
When you opt for Dental Implants in Encinitas, CA, you select a replacement solution that safeguards your teeth and overall health by providing many benefits. When the dentist embeds the dental implant in your jawbone, it represents the natural tooth root you lost to function as a stable base for your artificial tooth.
The dental implant integrates with your body in around three to six months before you can get an artificial tooth created explicitly for you by the dentist. The implant restores your mouth functionality and aesthetics by closing the gaps between your teeth and relieving you of all the problems you confront.
Dental implants stop your remaining teeth from drifting out of position or needing orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth. In addition, the implanted teeth allow you to bite and chew your food to prevent indigestion problems.
Dental implants are biocompatible and integrate with the body to become part of your jawbone, they remain with you for life if you care for them as suggested by the dentist.
Caring for dental implants is not challenging if you are accustomed to maintaining excellent dental hygiene and make extra efforts to prevent gum disease from affecting you by getting dental exams and cleanings at recommended intervals. Gum disease is the only condition that can impact your dental implant because it weakens your jawbone. Therefore when you care for your teeth, as the dentist recommends, you can rest assured the implants will remain in your mouth for life, although the artificial tooth may need replacements later due to natural wear and tear.
If you want to protect your oral and overall health from losing your natural teeth, it helps if you arrange a meeting with Steve Horne, DDS, requesting dental implants as a replacement solution. You achieve all your goals by getting dental implants that help protect your oral and general health and remain with you for life.